Saturday, June 15, 2013

I'm Late and Sorry

Neil and I wanted to take this time to say thank you to all of our friends and family that have been so supportive of this wonderful adventure we have had here in Argentina.  We have made so many new friends that we consider family now.  All of you who played games with us, i.e. Words With Friends, Yahtzee and et cetera, that was so nice because without TV to waste our time, we needed something else.  Also, we want to thank Jesse for keeping us up to date on the places we couldn't be but not missing out totally.  There are so many things to say and so many to thank but first and foremost, Thank You Jehovah for this wonderful privilege.  We hope many of you can make adjustments in your lives to do the same.  There is nothing like it.

Well, in case you haven't heard, we have received a new assignment and we are very happy.  We leave June 6th for a six month assignment in Argentina volunteering on the Ezeiza assembly hall.  We are changing our blog address for this to    We hope it is easier to find as the current one often took people to an Asian couple's wedding.  So please follow us there.  And thanks and love to you all again.

Also, we do not allow comments on this page because it is too difficult to control.  Ciao Ciao